As the hot summer months draw to a close, it’s time to get your clients’ skin back on track. Exposure to heat and humidity, as well as longer days of increased UV exposure, exert a cumulative impact on the overall health and appearance of the skin. Summer can see an increase in blemishes, an accumulation of dulling skin debris, heat stress and sun damage. If your clients have been sun savvy, they’ve also reduced their level of exfoliation during the summer months in preparation for increased UV exposure. What this means to you is that it’s time to get back to a clean slate, smooth away some of the sins of summer, and reveal their healthiest skin for fall. In this Livestream, we’ll focus on three complementary technology accelerated skin smoothing modalities – ultrasonic exfoliation, zone specific wet/dry microdermabrasion, and precisely targeted nano exfoliation. The result is an easy to implement service that makes an incredible service package program for clients looking for maximum results with little downtime.presented October 14, 2024